Boxing & Mental Health

Like wrestling, boxing can also be a mental and physical taxing sport because of the necessary weight that needs to be met to perform the sport at a competitive level.

Rapid Weight Loss

In the sport of boxing there are numerous ways boxers have discovered to lose weight and meet the weight limit for their matches.
When getting to the required weight, their mood and their performance is affected as well.
The strategies that boxers use to decrease their own fluid and food intake has a major impact on their performance and mood.

Boxers can experience anger, concussion, depression, and fatigue (Hall, Effects of rapid weight loss on mood and performance among amateur boxers 2001). 
As they lost weight, their performance was hindered as well. 


This is not a topic that is often discussed among athletes.
A study found that boxers presented with a neurotic personality tend to be more lonely (Chen et al., Personality traits, loneliness, and affect among boxers 2021). 
In other words, a personality that has negative attributes such as anger, anxiety, and depression are more likely to experience loneliness. 
The negative effect of this is a reference to emotional experiences related to pain, numbness, and silence.